EdSurge Guide

Making Sense of K-12 Student Mental Health

Making Sense of K-12 Student Mental Health

In recent years, according to the U.S. Office of the Surgeon General, “rates of psychological distress among young people, including symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders, have increased.”

Facing a shortage of counselors and other mental health practitioners, schools and educators have struggled to keep up with student and family demand for additional support. They're looking to modern tools like texting hotlines and teletherapy as well as more traditional well-being boosters like after-school programs and one-on-one mentoring efforts.

And young people themselves are stepping up to help their peers or students a little younger than themselves with letter-writing campaigns that ease loneliness and volunteer roles as social service navigators.

Here you'll find a collection of EdSurge articles about K-12 mental health that outline problems, explore solutions and offer the perspectives of experts.

A look inside an elementary school using mindfulness to help children understand their emotions.

Read and view images from the photo essay 'Deep Breaths'.

Photo by Kathleen Greeson for EdSurge.

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