Patricia Dallas is a twenty-year veteran early childhood special education teacher at the Richardson Park Elementary School, Red Clay School District, Wilmington, DE. She works with a team of dedicated teachers and therapists to create individualized, play-based programming that allows every child to find success. Patricia earned her Bachelor degree in Young Exceptional Children and Nursery/Kindergarten Education from the University of Delaware and is working toward a Doctorate degree in Infant and Early Childhood Development with an emphasis in Infant Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities with Fielding Graduate University. She is an Expert DIR/Floortime provider and has had speaking engagements with the Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children, Delaware Early Childhood Making a Difference Conference, and the Nursery/Kindergarten Alliance of Delaware.
Patricia's professional interests focus on helping teachers and parents develop strong adult-child relationships, social-emotional development, and developing individualized, strengths-based, quality early childhood programming.